
Showing posts from October, 2020

Causes of Inequality and Poverty in Norway

 In Norway, there's not much inequality of opportunities among citizens. Norwegian values are based on equality for everyone, and most Norwegians believe in equal distribution of wealth and equal opportunities.  Particularly with gender, there is not much discrimination in Norway. They have had The Equality and Anti-discrimination Act which promotes gender equality and aims to improve the position of women and minorities in Norway. This act makes it so that there cannot be any direct or indirect differential treatment of women and men.  Poverty, on the other hand, is somewhat of a problem. It's mainly a problem among immigrants in Norway. About 36% of immigrant children live in poverty in Norway. Only 5% of children with Norwegian parents live in poverty. The issue is common amongst immigrants because a lot of the time, they're unable to apply their education and work experience to new careers they try to get in Norway. As a result of all of this, immigrant children are n...

Norway Inequality and Poverty

Explain what the Lorenz curves and Gini coefficients say about inequality in the country.  The Lorenz curves of Norway in 2006 and 2016 are closer to perfect equality in comparison to the Lorenz curves of some of the other OECD countries we looked at in class. The curves are pretty similar, and they say that Norway is fairly close to perfect equality. Norway's Gini coefficient for 2006 was 0.264 and it increased to 0.285 in 2016. The Gini coefficients for both years indicate that Norway is somewhat close to perfect equality.  What information on absolute and relative poverty levels in the country can you find? 8% of the population lives in relative poverty. I wasn't able to find any specific information on absolute poverty, all I found was that it is rare in Norway. Include a Works Cited list for sources besides the World Bank Open Data website. How's Life in Norway . OECD Better Life Initiative, 2018.  <